Tired of all the Anger and Hatred? What would you do if you had a hot coal in your hand and you could feel it burning your flesh? You'd drop it, right? You can learn to do the same thing with emotions that burn, like anger and hatred. This week in the pause we will explore how to free yourself from the pain of anger and hatred.
The Path to Happiness: Now I Understand!
Have you ever wanted something really badly? So badly that you were sure that if you got it, you'd be forever happy? How long did that last? Were you happy forever as you hoped? Turns out that what we think leads to lasting happiness really doesn't. Understanding the causes of suffering and true happiness are what the Buddha called Skillful Understanding.
Do You Intend to Do Good?
3 Steps to Improve Your Concentration
Nothing but Net – Skillful Effort
Taking Some of the Work out of Work: Skillful Livelihood
Have you ever been at work, just counting the minutes until you can leave, and irritated at everyone who speaks to you? What if we told you that the truth is that most jobs are not all fun and games? Fortunately, they don’t need to be for you to find meaning and even pleasure in them. Let's see what the Buddha says about skillful livelihood.
OMG. Did I just say that?
Suffering Succotash! 8 Steps to Overcome Suffering
Suffering sucks. Yet it is inevitable, right? I personally am interested in suffering less, and I thought you might be as well. So, I decided it could be useful to review the Buddha's recommended 8 steps, and see how they might be relevant in our own lives. This is part 1 of our series on The Eightfold Path of Buddhism.
How can I meditate when I can’t focus?!
What is the point of meditation?
What is the point of meditation? This question comes up, in different ways, all the time. Quite reasonably, everyone considering developing a mindfulness meditation practice wants to know some version of, “why should I waste my time, sitting still (or walking slowly) and just watching my breath?” It does seem silly, doesn’t it? Sitting, doing nothing. When you could be doing…something. There are...