Are you worried because of the uncertainty of what's next? Will you graduate? Will you get that primo job? Will you be successful in graduate school? What will happen with your partner this summer? Depending on how you look at it, endings are also beginnings.
The Dalai Lama wants you to read. Try these 5 books.
Nice guys finish first
One simple strategy to improve your life!
How your thoughts add fuel to your fiery feelings.
Gratitude can improve your attitude
I just want to relax, already.
Create world peace with this one simple trick
How to solve the busy-mind problem.
“My meditation was bad today. I can’t focus. My mind is just too busy.” This is by far the most common complaint I see written on my students’ meditation logs. Often my students see it as a problem of such magnitude that it means they're incapable of meditating or of experiencing any benefit from meditation.
Drop your stress. Take A Pause in the present.
When it feels like life is rushing by, and I catch myself lost in too much busy-ness, I like to just stop for a few minutes. Take a pause. Remember what is really happening to me right here, right now. Today would be a good day to take one of those pauses and we've got a free guided meditation to help you.